Introducing Google Slides to Students

Every year I forget that I have to slow down and teach my class how to use google slides.

I love using google slides for all sorts of things in the classroom, but it’s super frustrating if they don’t know the basics and can’t use it! 

This year I made a list of things to teach my new group of students when we start to use google slides. 

I think it's important to let kids explore. So to start I will show them how to create a new slideshow (or create an assignment where they have a blank slideshow then give them 5-10 minutes to go crazy explore. 

After they have a few minutes I will show them a few areas of the screen:

-The notes section at the bottom
-The mini-slides on the left and how to scroll to different ones
-The toolbar across the top

Next I will start the fun stuff! I want to teach my students how to do simple things, but it helps to assign something to them so they can practice. I created something for my students- you can check it out HERE  or create your own. Here is a list of what I teach my students using the slideshow:

How to...

-Drag objects
-Undo (back button and Ctrl-Z)
-Change the size of objects
-Copy and paste (one object at a time AND multiple objects at a time)
-Add text boxes
-Change the text size, color, and font style.
-Insert pictures

If you're anything like me, it's going to take more than one lesson to teach all those skills. So I made a checklist you can use to check off each thing you are teaching your students. That way you don't forget anything! 

This is an editable freebie, but you will need access to your google account to make a copy. Click HERE for the checklist. You can add or take away anything you don't need on the list!

I hope this helps make your beginning of the year a little bit easier! Once I teach them the basics they become experts quite quickly. (And sometimes they show me new features- surely I’m not alone on this!)


Here is link to a my pre-made Google Slides activities that includes ALL of the features listed above. Hopefully this alleviates some stress for back to school and allows you to have more time for YOU! 

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